How to reduce cash-on-delivery in Middle East e-commerce At a roundtable hosted by PayPal last week, representatives from some of the region’s biggest e-commerce players gathered to discuss the r... Kia Davis • 29 September, 2013 cash-on-delivery Payment Gateways E-commerce
New TV show ‘Generation Entrepreneur’ to launch tomorrow night on OSN Those interested in meeting the Arab world’s next generation of entrepreneurs will want to catch a new TV show tomorrow night that will c... Nina Curley • 01 October, 2013 Layalina TV Entrepreneurship shows Reality TV
Startup news ticker: Frootapps launches Islamic app; Oasis500 brings startups to the US; ArabNet Developer Tournament in Lebanon; eBay acquires Braintree Welcome to Wamda's weekly startup news ticker, which will offer quick announcements and stories relevant to the region. If you have a quick... Wamda • 30 September, 2013 ticker
Morocco's FollowLetter: an alternative to Google Reader for newsletter lovers? Trying to collect and read news during the day is often an essential part of work, and yet it can also be massively distracting; an email,... Aline Mayard • 25 September, 2013 Task management Slow-reading Media
Yellow Pages Egypt opens avenue for low-cost, high-quality marketing videos Many television commercials and videos produced by startups are of low quality due to new entrepreneurs’ often-limited funds, o... Hanan Solayman • 09 December, 2013 Egypt Digital Marketing
Interact Egypt offers affordable social media marketing courses for entrepreneurs Egyptian entrepreneurs can finally attend professional training courses on key topics related to the marketing of their own startups at... Hanan Solayman • 10 October, 2013 Egypt Workshops Digital Media
Egyptians discuss technology and social development at Social Good Summit CAIRO, Egypt The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) hosted last week the Social Good Summit: a discussion about new media and... Hanan Solayman • 13 October, 2013 Social Change Egypt Social Entrepreneurship
India's largest IT company outsources to women in Saudi Arabia Forget outsourcing to India. India’s largest IT company is now planning to outsource to Saudi Arabia, debuting its first “all-female ser... Nina Curley • 25 September, 2013 Employment Saudi Arabia Government
Addy raises $320K in Silicon Valley, launches address system for Middle East e-commerce When we last checked in with Addy last summer, the startup was generating buzz after debuting at Stanford’s StartX Demo Day for its... Nina Curley • 23 September, 2013 Addressing Mobile E-commerce
U.A.E A look at the winners of the 2013 Gulf Business Industry Awards Gulf Business, a leading news portal in the Middle East, hosted their annual Gulf Business Industry Awards last night,... Reine Farhat • 24 September, 2013 Free zones Gulf Business Industry Awards Awards
Startup news ticker: Baidu partners with Silicon-based Cooliris to boost mobile penetration Welcome to Wamda's weekly startup news ticker, which will offer quick announcements and stories relevant to the region. If you have a quick... Wamda • 26 September, 2013 ticker
Jordan Can e-commerce site Cazamoda overcome the challenges of family business? As a market for e-commerce builds in the region, many offline retailers are considering going online to launch their own e-commerce... Reine Farhat • 22 September, 2013 Challenges Logistics Namshi
Did Apple miss a major opportunity with the new iPhone 5c? Although some have joked that the “c” in Apple’s new plastic iPhone 5c stands for “cheap” (it really stands for “colors”) the device f... Glen Dalakian II • 16 September, 2013 smartphones Mobile
Uber vs. Careem: as Goliath storms Dubai, can David own Saudi Arabia? When Careem announced $1.7 million in investment from STC Ventures last week, it seemed like a timely response to the entrance of its... Nina Curley • 18 September, 2013 Rivalries Car Service Transportation
How is the Arab world using smartphones? [Infographic] Two phones out of five in the Middle East are smartphones, according to new data from the International Data Corporation. But how... Stephanie d'Arc Taylor • 18 September, 2013
NGO connects young Iraqis to international art scene When war descends, art is often one of its first casualties. As gallery spaces close down and funding dries up, artists often have little... Stephanie d'Arc Taylor • 17 September, 2013 ngos Social Change Social Entrepreneurship
YouTube turns on local domains, ad streams in the Gulf: who will benefit? Original video content is exploding in the Middle East and North Africa. As we discussed last week in our first new Wamda... Nina Curley • 16 September, 2013
Iran reblocks Twitter and Facebook; local entrepreneur says it wasn't a glitch Last night, several social media users reported that Twitter and Facebook were unblocked in Iran, making it possible to post directly to... Nina Curley • 17 September, 2013 Censorship
Startup news ticker: TA Telecom wins Mobile Merit Awards and Google acquires Bump Welcome to Wamda's weekly startup news ticker, which will offer quick announcements and stories relevant to the region. If you have a quick... Wamda • 18 September, 2013 news Facebook Investment
A look at Twitter's IPO: what will change? Twitter’s IPO, which it announced last week, is one of the most hotly anticipated IPOs since Facebook. After announcing via tweet that t... Nina Curley • 16 September, 2013 twitter IPOs Social Networks
Tenmou’s Entrelab nurtures startups ranging from Bahraini Instagram to popcorn delivery Tenmou, Bahrain's first business angels company, and the U.S. Embassy recently concluded Entrelab: the region’s first entrepreneurship l... Leena AlOlaimy • 15 September, 2013 Support Organizations
U.A.E What’s next for Glowork after its $16 million acquisition by SAS Holding Glowork, the Saudi platform designed to connect women to jobs, has been acquired by SAS Holding, which invested 60 million SAR (US $16... Nina Curley • 12 September, 2013 Acquisitions Job Recruitment Women
iMENA invests $8m in HelloFood; why it is and isn't like Rocket Internet iMENA Holdings made headlines yesterday with the news that it invested US $8 million in HelloFood, Rocket’s online food ordering platform ... Nina Curley • 10 September, 2013 Scaling Rocket Internet Investment
Beirut's SMEX launches an aggregator to support Arabic content online You've often heard the statistic: while Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world, with 360 million Arabic speakers, only... Maya Rahal • 11 September, 2013 Aggregation Arabic Content