Egypt Car app fight club in Egypt The market for tech-enabled transport in Egypt is tight: 13 companies are offering some kind of online ride hailing product. All of... Rachel Williamson • 23 April, 2017 Transport Logistics taxi hailing app
Global Facebook’s AR future is excitingly scary Facebook’s focus on augmented reality (AR) hints at a future that’s exciting, but also a little scary. During his... Maya Rahal • 20 April, 2017 Facebook Augmented Reality virtual reality
Libya Libyan entrepreneurship in the time of war [Opinion] Recently, I was shyly approached by two young ICT engineers, Faisal and Omar, with an innovative startup idea: a pair of motion... Ahmed Ben Mussa • 20 April, 2017 Tatweer Research BYTE HEXA
Global Startup Watch: startup civil wars, rich Arabs, and Egypt's illicit entrepreneurs The world of entrepreneurship news is a complex one, with people ever ready to give their two cents on how you should be running your... Rachel Williamson • 20 April, 2017 Startup Watch investors fake news
Lebanon Arab women designers: not just fashion The recent boom in Muslim modest fashion has brought Arab women designers onto the spotlight. The fashion field, however, is only the... Stefania D'Ignoti • 19 April, 2017 Design designers women founders
Egypt Fustany's secret Egyptian fashion sauce The power of a female-led community is highly under-estimated, says Fustany founder Amira Azzouz. “Women have a power of... Radwa Rashad • 19 April, 2017 fustany Fashion Media
Tunisia How Expensya built a business on partnerships Expensya founder Karim Jouini said his success came down to good partnerships. “The number one reason to have partners... Lilia Blaise • 18 April, 2017 expensya karim jouini startup
Jordan scales into video and AI In January 2017, reached 33 million views which made it the most popular website in the Gulf according to a report released by... Tala El Issa • 18 April, 2017 Mawdoo3 big data AI
U.A.E Telemedicine, coming together for the UAE? Editor’s note: Telehealth, and telemedicine, are often used interchangeably and cover a broad category of solutions in the healthcare... Lucy Knight • 18 April, 2017 telemedicine digital healthcare health at hand
U.A.E Ola Doudin on the potential of Bitcoin in the region [WamdaTV] Bitoasis is a service that allows users in the Middle East to easily buy and sell Bitcoin. Launched in Dubai in 2014, Bitoasis is now... Maya Rahal • 18 April, 2017 BitOasis Bitcoin
Tunisia Entrepreneurship and marriage don’t mix in Tunisia “I don’t plan to get married anytime soon,” teased Mohamed Ben Abdellah, 28, founder of ceramics startup El Houch. He... Lilia Blaise • 17 April, 2017 wedding tunisia entrepreneurs
Saudi Arabia The Saudi take on Nomu - Parallel Market SMEs in Saudi Arabia are getting more and more attention. However, they are held back by the difficulties of acquiring funding. The... Abdulghani Kataya • 17 April, 2017 Saudi Arabia Parallel Market Inspire Ventures
U.A.E Young Emiratis use technology to improve quality of life in Dubai The UAE entrepreneurial ecosystem is full of expats. Not hard to believe when taking in account the country’s population is... Elias Jabbe • 16 April, 2017 innovation arabia uae emiratis
Palestine 10 Palestinian startups to watch Despite tough circumstances, Palestinian startups have often managed to impress with their versatility, innovation, determination. And... Rafat Abushaban • 16 April, 2017 Bareedee Mommy helper
Lebanon Syrian entrepreneurs raise their voices at Jusoor “War is always louder, but we want to raise the voices of youth and entrepreneurship”. This is how Ahmad Bayram, managing... Abdulghani Kataya • 13 April, 2017 jusoor syria Jusoor Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
Kuwait Mix N’ Mentor Nuwait is back with more community updates This article is a crosspost from Nuwait. Dwelling on the success of its previous editions, Mix N’ Mentor Nuwait is... Nuwait • 13 April, 2017 Nuwait Mix N' Mentor The National Fund for SME Development