Morocco In conversation with Niama El Bassunie of Morocco's WaystoCap Triska Hamid • 27 February, 2019 waystocap b2b Trade
Regional The Middle East’s technological forte is in the food sector [Opinion] Triska Hamid • 21 February, 2019 food Food accelerator Innovation
Sudan In conversation with Mohamed Elzakey of Sudan's Tirhal Triska Hamid • 20 February, 2019 ride hailing careem
Kuwait How did Kuwait produce some of the Middle East’s largest exits? Triska Hamid • 18 February, 2019 talabat Carriage entreprenership
U.A.E In conversation with Nizar Fakih of the UAE's Step Triska Hamid • 13 February, 2019 Step Conference founder series
Regional Turkey and Saudi lead in patent applications in the Middle East Triska Hamid • 11 February, 2019 Patents china Intellectual property