Egypt startup Dr. Weee tackles e-waste with app

Dr. Weee, an Egyptian e-waste business, has launched an app designed to make recycling easier for consumers.
The app, launched this month, serves the markets Dr. Weee (‘waste of electric and electronic equipment’) operates in: Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. It is also an awareness raising exercise, drawing attention to the region’s terrible waste management track record and trying to educate people about the need to reduce and recycle.

different items through the app.
(Image via Dr Weee)
Founder Essam Hashem told Egyptian newspaper Daily News Egypt that initially they had problems collecting e-waste, but they settled on a payments structure to encourage individuals to have over their old laptops and electronics.
Hashem is asking people to get invovled in the cause and sponsor the app, which would allow him to do things like reward volunteers, provide collection boxes, and rent high traffic spaces as collection points.
The company, which launched in December 2016, recycles electronics, taking the base metals such as copper and iron, precious metals such as gold and palladium, and dangerous components including lead and cadmium.
Hashem has been in the recycling business since 2006, when he started his first company Spear Ink, which recycles used printer cartridges.
He’s bid on an e-waste tender launched in January in Egypt, and has a license of Environmental Impact Assessment from the Ministry of Environment for e-waste separation and sorting.
Feature image via The Recycler: Dr. Weee