Startup Watch: Another bad re-brand, giving that investment back and robots need emotions

The world of entrepreneurship news is ever growing and sometimes it’s hard to even know where to start when you want to catch up.
To help you navigate through the mayhem, here’s our wrap of what we’re reading on Iran being hot right now (still), robots not having the emotional intelligence to place an ad, bad branding, and why you might give an investor their money back.
Investing in Iran. Americans can’t invest in Iran yet (something about their government refusing to relent on sanctions). Buuuut the rest of us can power on ahead. This new investment fund says it’s a spectacular place to invest - but only if you’re not American.
What’s in a name? Yahoo’s sale to Verizon is finally coming to a close, but obviously what’s more exciting is the new branding as they are merged with AOL. Oath. Maybe it’s trying to engender a concept of trust? You know, because Yahoo! suffered that giant cyber attack in 2013….. But back to the name, we still think Tronc is the worst.
Divesting the investor. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, gave a seed investment to one Wiley Cerilli for his startup Good Uncle. Cerilli, uncomfortable with Kushner’s role in the presidential campaign decided to give the money back. Giving money back happens rarely, but if it does it’s not usually down to principles.

Robots need to be emotional. While the ability of a robot to work without human foibles, is a plus, there are going to be times when emotional intelligence does come in handy. When it comes to sexy things like the purchase and distribution of adverts on Youtube, it’s rapidly becoming clear that being able to assess the social value of the editorial your ad is next to is pretty crucial.
The letter should have written. A great Medium post on how it seems the customers that helped build the empire have been left out of the equation. If you’re a customer and feel a little sad, you can read this letter and imagine it’s from them. Just for a moment.
Wamda of the week: Out of Africa. As Egyptian startup Vezeeta makes its move beyond its borders we found the others in Egypt who have done the same or are looking to do so in the next six months. And due to Egypt’s “uniqueness” it’s unlikely we’ll see a reverse flow of investment money into the country.
Don’t fake it to make it. Spotting fake crowdfunding pages is going to save you money, but it can really serve as helpful advice to anyone looking to start a campaign. Things like explaining very clearly what your product is and what exactly you’re going to do with the funds raised is certainly going to get you more backing than some of the nonsense we’ve come across.
All the ways healthcare can leverage tech. Be warned, the title of the video is misleading. It’s actually a 15-minute list of all the ways technology can be leveraged into healthcare, from ‘hearables’ to shortening waiting times for appointments to testing yourself for influenza. However, in the era of siloed healthcare and waiting to treat problems after they occur, there is a way to go yet, but Singularity University’s Daniel Kraft barely draws breath with his run down of what we can look forward to.
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