
Abu Erdan Helps Egyptian Farmers Find New Technologies and Techniques [Wamda TV]


Egyptian entrepreneur Islam Khalil discusses his project Abu Erdan, a startup aiming to become "every farmer's electronic friend," provides online information and services to enable more effective farmwork based on new technologies and proven techniques. These best practices help farmers in egypt to know which brands, techniques, and suppliers offer the best products and the most affordable prices.

Khalil says that there are 4.5 million farmers in 4,000 villages across Egypt with accounts at the Bank of Development and Agricultural Credit. More than 90% of them own less than 5 acres. The startup lists information such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather forecasts. The site can be used online, on a mobile device, or updates can be sent via SMS.

With the data they collect, Abu Erdan keeps track of viruses, bacteria, and other external factors which may affect farming in Egypt.

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