
Codemotion Dubai 2016

Codemotion confernece, the biggest tech conference in Italy and one of the most important in Europe with a network of more than 30,000 developers, is coming to Dubai on the 1st and 2nd of April to tackle all topics related to Devops, cloud, Big Data, game development, security, web, IoT, hacking and others. Speakers include Rachel Reese, senior software engineer at Jet.com, Danilo Poccia, technical evangelist at Amazon Web Services and Mohammad Abu Ajamieh, engineering manager at StarzPlay. The event will be held at Impact Hub in Downtown Dubai, UAE.

Here are some of the talks taking place:

The rise of javascript robotics

Javascript is already the most used language on the web; it only makes sense to use it for robotics as well. Ever more powerful and cheap Microprocessors (Arduino, Intel Edison, Raspberry Pi) combined with Javascript Frameworks for Robotics (cylon/johnny-five) enable to easily build even complex robots. This session starts by assembling two-wheeled Robot Kits which feature custom lasercut and 3D printed parts, decorating them, then programming them with Javascript! 

The return of AI & Machine Learning, by Saad Kayyali, manager at GDG Dubai. 

Now that AI is back in the market and stronger than before, this session teaches you why you should implement it in your projects.

PHP 7: Benefits and drawbacks, by Daniel Rabeiro, senior developer at Propertyfinder

Presenting PHP 7, the most recent version of the language, and some of the benefits and drawbacks of using it in production at this point in time.

Progressive Web Apps ( PWA ) by Shidhin C R, senior UI engineer at Namshi

Considered to be the future of web apps, PWAs are experiences that combine the best of the web and the best of apps. They're installable, responsive, work offline and can engage users with push notifications. This talk is about how powerful PWAs are, their features, tooling and safety around service workers. The talk also features loading and rendering performances and examples of some real-world progressive web apps. 

Introducing Azure DevTest Lab, by Quique Martinez, development and cloud team lead at Plain Concepts

Obtaining and modifying dev and test environments often involves significant effort and long delays. In this session we will discuss how to use Azure DevTest Lab to create and manage environments. Learn how to create a lab, share reusable templates and artifacts to quickly compose environments, set quotas and policies to optimize costs, and integrate with your existing toolchains for continuous delivery.

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