
Nahdet El Mahrousa launches 8th round of incubation

Nahdet El Mahrousa (NM) is launching its 8th round of incubation for aspiring entrepreneurs entitled “Khaleeha Suessi”. This year, NM has teamed up with Arabian Cement Company (ACC) and will move out of Cairo for this round of incubation and focus on Suez instead.

The competition will be running through June and the deadline for participating is on July 4, 2015.

Up to 7 early stage social startups in Suez will receive technical support and incubation in NM’s “Incubator of early stage social enterprises” and seed funding from the ACC potentially up to 80,000 EP (1,250 USD).

-Up to 15 teams will be shortlisted for the validation phase by July 12, 2015
-After completion of the validation phase (2.5 months) participants will pitch their ideas in front of a panel
-Those ultimately selected will receive seed funding from the ACC and access to NM’s incubation services

For more details simply follow the provided link.

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