Arabic weather portal outshines Yahoo in Jordan, reigns in Saudi Arabia is not the company that it was even just nine
months ago.
Since its early days as, the company been a rarity
among its peers: a startup whose data is its primary asset. Today,
the company has quietly morphed into one of the region’s largest
content portals, now the 8th most popular site in Jordan
(briefly becoming more popular than Yahoo), with around 1.2 million
unique visitors a month- 50% of its traffic- coming from Saudi
Arabia. Suddenly, the weather is not just a detail; it’s a
commodity that could catapult this Amman-based startup towards
regional success.
Last May, when
Wamda chatted with founder and CEO Mohamed Al-Shaker, the
weather-obsessed young scientist who first launched the site in
high school, had almost 1 million unique viewers
a month. Since then, the company has closed two investment rounds,
and doubled its traffic with the help of its secret weapon: Chief
Product Officer Yousef Wadi.
Wadi, who previously worked as Senior Product Executive at online
publisher 7awi and at Yahoo before that, is a numbers man who can
give Al-Shaker a run for his money when it comes to data obsession.
Speaking quickly, flipping through charts, sporting a polo shirt
and jeans, he looks as though he’d be just as at home in Palo Alto
or Dubai as in Amman. He uses CrazyEgg to obsess over how readers
use the interface, checks Alexa “constantly” to track how he’s
gaining on his prior content employers, and trained his team to
build the site in nodejs, a
simplified version of Javascript, because the numbers dictated that
its would be more robust and scalable.
This is all part of Wadi’s master plan to make the weather more
exciting. “I was looking at, and thought, if we keep
giving people numbers, numbers, numbers, [more viewers] are not
going to come. We then thought more deeply about the definition of
weather,” he explains. “Weather is, in fact, everything that
surrounds you.”
To reach a broader audience, relaunched in
August, and hired an editorial team of six who now publish 24
pieces a day- every hour, on the hour- on topics including what to
wear in different seasons, photos of interesting destinations, and
original pieces on weather conditions at global events.
The site still offers technical articles about weather analysis,
“because we don’t want to lose our geek community,” Wadi says. But,
he emphasizes, “Our content rule is if my grandfather doesn’t
understand the content, we’re on the wrong track.”
That’s not to say that’s sudden rise in Saudi
Arabia is due solely to a knack for making viral content; data
remains the company’s backbone.
A stroll around the office makes that clear; next to the editorial
team, which is mostly women, sits a crew of guys in various shades
of grey: the weather analysts, who appear to spend a lot of time
etching formulas on the startup’s glass walls and whiteboards.
ArabiaWeather’s weather prediction algorithms, which have over
2,450 parameters, crunch raw data from 13 unique weather stations
in Jordan, using processing power rented from supercomputers in
Slovenia and Helsinki.
The analysts then tweak and interpret those predictions;
that's how is able to be faster, more
accurate, and more local than its competitors, explains Al-Shaker,
who looks almost professorial in an argyle sweater and wool flat
Most existing media stations show Saudi Arabia to be “a dry
desert,” but the fact is that “they have active weather all
year,” Shaker laments, describing that it has cold spells,
rains, and dusty conditions that generic global websites are not
designed to report on. Global reporting is so bad that Google's
weather widget once reported 22 degrees Celsius and light snow,
when it wasn't set to snow whatsoever, he recalls.
With its own weather stations in Jordan, licensed data from
stations in Saudi Arabia, original algorithms, and unique access to
regional satellite data, is able to offer weather
predictions for each square kilometer, Al-Shaker says.
Despite their progress, the two founders show no
signs of slowing. After using the website to demonstrate the power
of their brand, they plan to turn their focus back to B2B business
deals, selling their data and custom 3D maps to aviation companies
and television stations. Thus far, they’ve already made deals with
“several TV stations in Iraq” and Ro’ya TV in Jordan.
They hope to tackle the Arab world before any external markets.
However, Wadi says, catering to the needs of in-region travelers is
important. “A lot of people in Saudi Arabia want to go to Turkey,
so we get a lot of questions about weather in Istanbul,” he
Disclosure: ArabiaWeather is a portfolio company of MENA
Venture Investments, which shares management and investment
resources with Wamda Capital.