Turkey The long hard road that earned $589 million Lucy Knight • 31 May, 2015 mergers & acquisitions online food delivery yemeksepeti
Lebanon Recycling solutions for Lebanon’s green bottle surplus Lucy Knight • 28 May, 2015 Glass GGRIL Recycling
Lebanon A day in the life: Rana El Chemaitelly, the woman behind The Little Engineer Lucy Knight • 20 May, 2015 UAE Space Agency Airbus The Little Engineer
Global How this fresh grad landed a job at Wamda Lucy Knight • 19 May, 2015 Job Creation Job Recruitment Programme
Bahrain Bahrain gets its first official angel investor network courtesy Tenmou Lucy Knight • 14 May, 2015 Hasan Haider MENA Angel Investment Network Bahrain
U.A.E Let the coding begin, ArabCode.org launches in Dubai Lucy Knight • 13 May, 2015 Tecom Investments code.org ArabCode.org