
The General Assembly of Corporate Citizens


The General Assembly of Citizen Entrepreneurs and Organizations is happening on June 28-30 in Essaouira, Morocco and will be bringing together 250 participants around the notion of Prosperity. Through this overarching theme, participants will explore the tools available to link economic growth to well-being and performance to social good.

This General Assembly will give the floor to those who are finding the most efficient solutions to the prominent challenges of our time: fighting climate change, fostering equality and advancing social progress.

Around these three most urgent issues for future generations, other subjects will be tackled: advancing social justice, protecting the environment and biodiversity, using technology for the common good, building tolerant societies.

For three days, working in collaborative sessions, participants will collectively :

- Draft international pledges to be shared on an online citizen platform of the United Nations ;

- Commit to supporting three initiatives with a positive impact on society. 

- Launch the « Equality for Growth » circle.

- Take part in the creation of an accelerator and mentorship program in Morocco.

- Work on a shared Manifesto of Prosperity for business leaders and entrepreneurs.

More information here





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