Dermandar Wins World’s Best App Award: What’s Next

Dermandar, one of the hottest startups to
come out of the Arab world this year, has just won the “World’s
Best App” award in the Lifestyle and Entertainment category at the
World Summit
Award for mobile content.
Its iOS
Android apps, which both launched in July 2011, quickly gained
popularity on the global market by offering a panoramic photo
feature that allows users to take perfect 360-degree photos with a
simple yin-yang alignment feature. “How Zen!” the Wall Street Journal quipped, calling it the
“easiest-to-use panoramic photo app.”
In the Arab world, it’s one of the few startups
to successfully reach a global market. With 6 million downloads to
date and 50,000 active daily users, it stands as a reminder that
simple, well-built functionality has universal appeal.
Receiving the WSA-mobile award offers a “boost in worldwide
recognition,” says founder Elie Gregoire-Khoury, yet he’s not
resting to applaud himself.
The app now faces competition from Apple itself, which offers a
native panoramic photo option with iOS 6. It may have been the only
one of its kind when it launched almost 2 years ago, but now 42
other competitors have cropped up on the Apple app store and 12 on
Android, he says.
To keep its competitive edge, Demandar, also known as DMD Panorama
abroad, is now expanding into social and B2B realms.
Currently, the app retains an advantage over Apple, says
Gregoire-Khoury, because it provides great photos in low light,
something he claims (and this author can confirm) Apple doesn’t do,
and DMD offers a 360-degree view in contrast to the native app’s
270 degrees.
Another critical differentiator is its Facebook and Twitter
integration. Dermandar is the ‘YouTube for Panoramas,” says
Gregoire-Khoury; following the Instagram model, it allows users to
not just take photos but to share them.
While users view a new panoramic photo once a second, and upload
one every minute, DMD’s content is not as “deeply social” as
Instagram, says Gregoire-Khoury; most panoramas, after all, are
empty landscapes. But it’s ideal for certain businesses, such as
real estate brokerages and sites like AirBnb, which might want to
offer viewers a 360-degree panoramic view of an apartment to
potential clients.
“Rather than urge people to share their private photos more, we are
heading towards providing content for businesses,” he says.
The startup has already released an API that allows clients to
leverage its software for a licensing fee. Thus far, it’s
integrated with 3 apps, including Cycloramic,
which Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak called
“unexpected, fanciful and useful all at the same time.”
Another app powered by DMD is
Panorama Postcards, which allows users to have a panoramic
photo printed within 24 hours in Europe and sent anywhere in the
Next, Dermandar’s team of 8 plans to release new apps in the photo
category, including an augmented reality app that will further help
real estate businesses, by placing a panoramic photo digital layer
over existing apartments.
"You’ll be able to point your device at an apartment for sale and
see a panoramic view of what's inside,” says Gregoire-Khoury,
noting that for those apps, the company might find a way to
highlight the “AR” in its name.
If anything, the prize itself has only seemed to galvanize DMD to keep evolving.