
Arab Youth and Entrepreneurship: Holistic Approaches to Nurturing Local Ecosystems

On February 16-18, 2013, the Arab Urban Development Institute (AUDI) and Silatech is hosting a conference on “Arab Youth & Entrepreneurship: Holistic Approaches to Nurturing Local Ecosystems.”

The three-day event is taking place in partnership with the Global Partnership for Youth Employment (GPYE), the World Bank, and the Doha Municipality and aims to identify ways of improving local ecosystems to increase entrepreneurial activity and enhance economic opportunities for young people in the Arab world by showcasing best practices and creating space for participants to network, share experiences, and learn. 

The conference also seeks to encourage local authorities, national governments, civil society, and a socially-minded private sector to form partnerships and work together to enhance youth economic inclusion.

Agenda & Registration

To find the conference agenda, click here. The conference has arranged for special room rates for attendees. To register for the event and book hotel rooms, visit their website here.

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